Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Week 2

Not nearly as big of a turnout on this day as opening day, but we still had fun. We walked onto the lake around 6:30, and it was one of the coldest starts to a fishing day that I can remember, at -18 degrees! By the time we made it out to our spot, all of our eyebrows and facial hair was frozen, and we were ready to warm up in the shack! Fishing was very slow. Dave caught a 13 1/2 inch salmon early on, and the rest of the day we only pulled a couple of very small perch out of the water. We did, however continue to cook good food and drink a few beers as usual. Here are a couple of pictures and a video:

One of David's big catches of the day.

Don't get too excited... it was another pickerel.

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