Felipe and Orlando are from Colombia, and both needed to be broken into the idea of sitting on a frozen lake waiting for fish to bite. Felipe's got a year of experience under his belt, but this was
Inevitably, it seems like something strange always happens to make us all remember each day of ice fishing forever. Last year, the most significant thing to happen was Felipe's first snowmobile ride, which resulted in a busted lip, and a great lesson for an onlooking little boy! On this day there were a couple of things worth mentioning. In an effort to make Felipe believe he had caught his first fish, Dana tied one of Dave's ice spoons (the newest and best one he had) to the end of one of Felipe's traps, causing his flag to go off. Felipe rushed to his trap, and proceeded to pull "the big one" out of the ice. After a few seconds of pulling, he announced that he had lost the "fish" and Dave's new ice spoon was history!
Dave's bad luck continued later in the day while rushing out to watch as Dana pulled one of two giant pickerel from the ice. Dave forgot that his ice creepers had snapped off of his boots earlier in the day and slipped, falling on his back, and breaking a couple of ribs in the process!
Here are a couple of videos of Dana catching a 23 inch pickerel, and the first salmon of the season, as you'll CLEARLY hear Dave point out.
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