Dana would have been on the lake 3 days early if he could have. Dan Jr, Felipe and Dana were on the lake and setting up around 2:30 am, and Dan Sr wasn't far behind. Dave Sr, Dave Jr, Porter and Danny Clifford showed up a little while later. For some reason, we all decided it was ok to drive our vehicles onto the ice. They served as a nice wind block/workstation/warming hut/urination station.
Dana's streak of luck continued on this day, and he caught the only fish, a 2+ pound togue. Well, technically Danny Clifford caught something, but none of us is sure (or will admit to knowing) what it was. He was jigging, and announced that he had a fish on. We all crowded around the hole, and waited for him to pull the fish up. After lots of anticipation, he pulled up a bag of something that resembled pebbles and fish. Definitely the funniest moment of the tournament. I had it all on video, but don't know what happened to it. I'm sure Danny's glad I can't find it!
Dana went on a campaign to enlist as many people as he could to stay overnight on the ice to fish for cusk. Both Lorfanos agreed to give it a shot. There were a couple of cusk caught, but all three of them nearly froze to death, and got very little sleep. They tried to sitck it out in the portable ice shack we had with a small heater, but quickly retreated to Dave Jr's truck, and burned a quarter tank of gas trying to stay warm. They were all asleep at one point, and all of a sudden, some random drunk guy opened the door and scared the crap out of them! He asked if they were ok, and then took off in his truck, destroying one of Dave Jr's traps in the process!
The rest of us went home to get a good night's sleep and returned early the next morning. Dana caught another togue, about the same size. Otherwise, not a lot to report. The winning fish for the tournament weighed 18 pounds, so we were a long way off. I think most of us have given up on jigging. Here are some pictures and videos:
Fish #1
Fish #2
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